IKEA Brooklyn
Where is IKEA near me in Brooklyn?
The nearest IKEA to you is IKEA Brooklyn, located at One Beard Street, in Brooklyn, NY 11231.

IKEA Brooklyn
IKEA's Brooklyn location is one of the most convenient IKEA locations to reach using public transportation. This is especially important, since traffic can be a big problem in the area.
Directions from your current location:
IKEA Brooklyn Hours
Holiday Opening Hours:
Christmas Eve: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Christmas Day: Closed
New Year's Eve: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
One Beard Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231,
About IKEA Brooklyn
Unlike other IKEA branches, IKEA Brooklyn is not located in a commercial center. Other shopping options in the area are limited. However, there are a lot of unique restaurants in the immediate neighborhood that are worth checking out. If you prefer to take a break outdoors, Red Hook Park is right across the street.
If you're looking for something bigger with other shopping nearby, you may want to cross over into NJ to check out IKEA Elizabeth.
If you choose to drive, expect traffic throughout Brooklyn. However, the IKEA location itself has spacious outdoor parking lots and an indoor parking garage.
Tip: Even if you have a car, consider taking public transportation. There are free shuttle buses from 4th Ave/9th St and Court St/Borough Hall subway stations, and free NY Water Taxis from Pier 11 in Lower Manhattan.