IKEA Canton
Where is IKEA near me in Detroit?
The nearest IKEA to you is IKEA Canton, located at 41640 Ford Road, in Canton, MI 48187.

IKEA Canton in Detroit
IKEA Canton is located within a half an hour of both Detroit and Ann Arbor, making it convenient for both families and U of M students.
Directions from your current location:
IKEA Canton Hours
Holiday Opening Hours:
Thanksgiving: Closed
Christmas Eve: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Christmas Day: Closed
New Year's Eve: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
41640 Ford Road
Canton, MI 48187,
About IKEA Canton
The Canton Ikea is conveniently just off the 1-75, making it very easy to reach by car. There is also a lot of parking available in the area.
IKEA Canton is close to Wayne State University and UoM campuses, making it a good option for furnishing off-campus housing. You’ll also find a shopping center with a department store, fast food chains, and other shopping options a few blocks to the west.
For families looking to entertain kids in the area, Canton has some great recreation options, including movie theaters, mini-golf and skating rinks.
Tip: Ikea Canton is easy to reach by car, but is hard to reach by public transportation. You may want to rent or borrow a car for the day and stock up on your favorite IKEA items.