IKEA Charlotte

Where is IKEA near me in Charlotte?

The nearest IKEA to you is IKEA Charlotte, located at 8300 IKEA Blvd, in Charlotte, NC 28262.

Ikea Charlotte photo

IKEA Charlotte

IKEA Charlotte is easy to reach by car or bus, with plenty of additional shopping nearby in the Belgate Shopping Center complex.

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IKEA Charlotte Hours

Holiday Opening Hours:

Christmas Eve: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Christmas Day: Closed
New Year's Eve: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


8300 IKEA Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28262, US

About IKEA Charlotte

Charlotte's Ikea is located in downtown Charlotte right off the 1-85, making it easy to reach by car.

If you are coming by public transportation you can take the 50 or 54 bus, which have stops right in front of the store.

The mall center has a department store, fast food chains, and other shopping options, making it an excellent one-stop shop option for families and UNC students alike.

Tip: In addition to the bus, you also have the option of taking the light rail to the University City Blvd. stop and walking a few blocks northwest to Ikea.