IKEA Draper
Where is IKEA near me in Salt Lake City?
The nearest IKEA to you is IKEA Draper, located at 67 West IKEA Way, in Draper, Utah 84020.

IKEA Draper in Salt Lake City
IKEA Draper is about 10 miles south of Salt Lake City, just off of Interstate 15 in a shopping center with other furniture stores.
Directions from your current location:
IKEA Draper Hours
Holiday Opening Hours:
Christmas Eve: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Christmas Day: Closed
New Year's Eve: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
67 West IKEA Way
Draper, Utah 84020,
About IKEA Draper
This Ikea serves people from Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas. It is located in the heart of a shopping area, which includes additional furniture stores among other things.
This makes it a great one-stop shop option for families and students alike. It is easily accessible by car, and has plenty of parking options.
If you're hungry, there are a lot of fast-food restaurants just south of Ikea, as well as a few cafes and sit-down restaurants.
When you're done with your shopping you can check out the local aquarium or the golf courses in the area. Most of Salt Lake City's most popular sites are only 20 minutes north, so if you're coming from out of town, you can combine the trip.
Tip: If you are using public transportation, take the F514 Bus to the Ikea Way/13263 S bus stop.