IKEA Fishers
Where is IKEA near me in the Indianapolis?
The nearest IKEA to you is IKEA Fishers, located at 11400 IKEA Way, in Fishers, IN 46037.

IKEA Fishers in the Indianapolis
IKEA Fishers is just 16 miles outside of Indianapolis, and just off the I-69.
Directions from your current location:
IKEA Fishers Hours
Holiday Opening Hours:
Thanksgiving: Closed
Christmas Eve: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Christmas Day: Closed
New Year's Eve: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
11400 IKEA Way
Fishers, IN 46037,
About IKEA Fishers
As the only IKEA in Indiana, IKEA Fishers serves residents of Indianapolis, and Hamilton and Marion Counties. People have been known to visit this IKEA from as far as Fort Wayne, Bloomington, and Muncie.
Luckily, there are several hotel options right nearby for people who don't want to make the trip all in one day. But even if you are coming to IKEA for just a day, there is plenty to do in the area.
If you want to eat, there are some fast-food and sit-down options just a few blocks away, and if you want to supplement your IKEA shopping, there are clothing stores, a grocery store and pharmacy nearby.
Tip: There is no public transportation from Indianapolis into Fishers so plan on taking your car.