IKEA Oak Creek

Where is IKEA near me in Oak Creek?

The nearest IKEA to you is IKEA Oak Creek, located at 7500 South IKEA Way, in Oak Creek, WI 53154.

Ikea Oak Creek photo

IKEA Oak Creek

IKEA Oak Creek is currently the only IKEA location in the greater Milwaukee area. It is slightly isolated from other shopping options but has plentiful, convenient parking and is accessible by bus.

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IKEA Oak Creek Hours

Holiday Opening Hours:

Christmas Eve: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Christmas Day: Closed
New Year's Eve: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


7500 South IKEA Way
Oak Creek, WI 53154, US

About IKEA Oak Creek

This is a relatively small IKEA branch but is the only IKEA location in Wisconsin. Although it’s a bit distant from other amenities, it’s easy to reach.

The store is located right off of Route 41 and has plenty of parking, including reserved spots for families with small kids. IKEA Oak Creek can also be reached by bus from Milwaukee on the MCTS Purple Line.

There are a few casual restaurants within a five-minute drive of this IKEA branch but not much within a convenient walking distance. However, IKEA borders Falk Park, so you can bring a picnic from home instead.

Tip: IKEA is the last stop on the Purple Line from Milwaukee but not every bus on this route goes all the way to the end of the line. Check the schedule or ask the bus driver before you get on.